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Changes to the current Driving Licence (8th June 2015)

By John Lendrum - February 22nd, 2015 | Posted in Article

Are you aware of changes to your driving licence ?

Did you know you need to renew your photo card driving licence every 10 years ? if not then take a look at your photo card and check the expiry date, and if it is near expiration then you can renew it online very easily, but if you fail to do so and your licence becomes out of date, you could face a hefty fine and also could affect your insurance validity.

As from the 8th of June 2015, the paper counterpart of your driving licence will no longer be valid, as the DVLA will no longer be issuing, however you MUST still keep your photo card licence, all entitlements and the status of your licence will remain the same. All details from the counterpart will be held online and be available to be viewed.

What do I do with my Counterpart after 8th June 2015 ?

After the 8th of June 2015 you can destroy the paper counterpart, please ensure it is shredded and disposed of to avoid any fraud.

If you are a holder of a Paper driving licence and have not updated to the new photo licence this will remain valid. If you have any changes of details which require a change of licence you will automatically have to apply for the new licence, and will receive a photo licence instead of the paper licence.

What about any endorsements I may have on my counterpart ?

As of the 8th of June 2015 any endorsements or points will no longer be shown on a driving licence, however do not think that these have disappeared or you don’t have to declare these,  as they are held on the DVLA database which will be available for businesses, employers or hire companies to view, as will be explained. These can be viewed online, by post or by calling the DVLA, so if you have endorsements you will be required under law to declare.

How will people find out if I have points ?

The DVLA are currently putting together a new database for businesses and organisations so they can put in your licence number and find out if you have any endorsements or points. Such businesses could be driving schools, employers or hire companies.

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